Monday, May 2, 2011

A Resurgence of Something.

This blog is something of an anachronism for me, as the majority of controversy, those volatile subjects which were completely irrelevant to me but to which I felt an innate abstract connection, has been usurped and that shallow friction between myself, my employers and my peers has been substituted. As for controversy's friends, they too have absconded from my mind due to the conditions under which it functions (suppression by neglect and draconian enforcement of the rule that one must not stand apart from the group), and as for discussing controversy with friends, those which I can make here are not interested in such things. There may come again into my life some day these lamented aspects of daily cognition, but for now I must deal with the vicariously tasked distractions which obscure them.
Or, instead of waiting for my intellect and opportunities to exercise it, I could take action and force myself to think with the sole impetus of willpower, as there is little immediate encouragement in this dreary place. I've always done things with prodding and pushing, and have frequently talked of how I can overcome my reliance on others' strength, but this idea of becoming an autodidact, of abandoning the bastion of doing what I'm told and acting on my own towards a goal that is uninfluenced by anything but my desire, is something to which I have become inured and am determined to bring to fruition.
The point is that I see this blog as an exercise, with potential to become an outlet for what little vestige of "smart" is still in my mind. As an ember may dissipate in a fury of flame with the catalyst of a gentle breeze, my mind may spark in an electric fury of neuron interaction incited by exposure to this blog, a potential gust. The potency is inherent in myself, but this is the edifice in which the corporation flourishes, the flask in which the potion is contained, the destiny awaiting the hero (not a self-aggrandizing statement. Imagine a personified destiny, a moment in time with sentience, that watches its fulfillment, ever imminent)
A lot of that probably sounded stupid, and were I to read it undoubtedly I would find it to be so, therefore I shall not edit this entry in any way... and am thereby excused from any judgment whichever passing viewer may deem justified by their fleeting observance.