Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hey there Everyone.

I am listing some of my views here, I guess.... How else can I make controversy?
But before I do so, I would just like to make sure that all dumbasses come to this site and feel welcome to wtf my opinions into obscurity. I welcome all crass and retarded comments, they make me laugh...

Here They Are....
I never understood why people are so dependent on God.... I just cannot imagine being so pathetically cowardly that I have to depend on the theory that God always brings good (some invisible, benevolent force having complete control of our lives? and we have no proof of, and don't call the bible or the q'uran proof. Come on!) in response to the shock of brutal reality. God is only a worthless cushion against the hardships we face, a stanchion we all lean on as a lame, mental (in both meanings of the word. haha) buffer.
There may be a God, I really don't care because I don't know (and some people need to realize that there is no way to know...) but I do not want to fucking be so dependent upon a whimsical fairy tale (Religion has always had the fairy tale aspect in their stories.... Good vs. Evil.... God saving the Jews and whatnot...) that I dedicate my life to faith.... I have the ability to be unsure...

Women and Sexism
So many people say that women are descriminated against for being female, and in some cases I would agree.... but a lot of people, when they hear equality, they think we are equal... This is not the fucking case, as can be seen if you have ever talked to people through a computer... NO person is equal, not physically, nor mentally. The mental part you can see through a computer because you dont have any impression made on them through aesthetics or lack thereof... Most people are stupid, some are intelligent, there is no way of denying that equality is a nonexistant thing.... So perhaps some of these women that are the victims of sexism are just too stupid to get the job, or even too smart with too many credentials (I am sure that if I was going to hire someone more highly qualified than me I would deny that person for fear of my job) The last case has happened to my mother (she has a master's) but neither I or her claim "sexism, sexism!" It was not a case of fucking sexism, it was a case of fear, because she was MORE than equal to the douche that refused to hire her....

Again, I do not understand racism. Color doesn't matter, we should be criticized or lionized by our mental capacity.
I dont know about any other countries, but in the U.S. racism has become a case of cultural differences. Black people like rap, Hispanics like Latino stuff I guess, and white people are portrayed as this bland fucking stereotype that likes to spend lots of money and wear stupid fucking plad shirts while playing golf... I know BLACK guys that listen to country music, haha, one of the things that are for white people, I guess.... Just watch any fucking comedy show, they are rife with douchebags assigning stereotypes to races.....
It doesn't matter what your fucking color is...

Often I wish I had a ton of money so that I could do an experiment.... I would place many children in seperate, sterile and friendly environments, feed them, not teach them, and just watch their primal behavior. I would place a white kid with a white kid, a white kid whith a black kid, a white kid with another kid of a different race and so on... then I would place an intelligent kid with a stupid kid, stupid with stupid, intelligent with intelligent.... I would discover the roots of hate.... how these children interact with each other, whether disliking one another through jealousy or race..... and I would have to put a mirror or something in their so they would be aware of their differences......

Sometimes I think if we just completely abolished racism from media, seperate a few generations from their parents (who could maybe instill racist undertones into children) we would be able to rid this world of racism.... I dont know though...

I love this subject, it seems so fucking stupid to me. I am pro-choice.... Probably mostly vegans and stupid fucking vegetarians and religious nuts are the only ones who are idiots enough to go pro-life.....
1. The embryo cannot think, it has no cognitive abilities.... it is an assortment of undefined cells... It has no life, it cannot feel pain, think, etc.
2. Since the embryo is so dumb, lets compare it to a typical animal with extreme mental deficiencies. MMMM! tasty, I would say, but some of you vegatarian-christian-pro-life fucks out there would say "Oh no! it is a life! you cant kill! how would you feel if you were that animal?!" I am here to say that I dont give a fuck about that animal's life, everything dies, so what is the fucking difference between dying now and dying later, you are going to feel the same. I am only expediting the process of death. You eat plants, you fuck, plants have lives too, how would the blade of grass you are eating feel? Oh, it has no ability to think or feel pain? NEITHER DOES THE FUCKING EMBRYO.
3. I do not think I need to state all the fucking benefits stem cells can provide us.... Though I have already proven that I dont care about other people's lives, it can keep the ones who are already alive alive instead of making a new life.... I would rather myself keep living instead of there being 50 fucking newborns to increase the population and all of the fucking consequences of a nation with 3 MILLION FUCKING PEOPLE.... (In case you don't know, it is the United States that has 3 Million Fucking People....) We complain about Mexicans and immigrants taking our jobs, our food, and all that bullshit.... So do the fucking tiny children (in the future)
I dont understand why we treat the lives of immigrants with such hate but we cherish a tiny pack of fucking stem cells.... (We is the general american population.)

Here are some links to some other shit I have....

And here are some funny sound files... idk.... I have too much time on my hands